Although activities such as running have got all the favour in the fitness industry for it's cardiovascular benefits, jump roping has always been the cardio of choice for those who are privy to the secret that this intense form of cardio is extremely beneficial for a variety of health reasons. More so than jogging and running!
With no need for you to require any special
equipment and the fact it can practically be carried out anywhere
providing space permits, jump rope is a great alternative to
jogging/running or any other form of cardio work.
Rapidly increase your cardiovascular endurance & increase your lung capacity greatly!
It's widely known and scientifically proven
that doing 10 minutes of jump rope is equivalent to jogging for 30
minutes straight! This amazing revelation was first recognised by the
legend Bruce Lee himself who was a big fan of this form of cardio which
he implemented himself to stay in amazing shape throughout his
lifetime. Unlike running you are forcefully using your muscles to leap
against gravity whilst the constant motion of the wrist turning can
really workout your arms and especially your forearms after a period of 5
minutes of moderate speed jumping. To put it simply, if you can jump
rope for 10 minutes straight then you can run for 30 minutes with no
problem at all, possibly more! With your heart rate being put through
it's paces whilst jumping your lungs will be working overtime to get
oxygen round the body which over time improves your lung capacity and
endurance extremely quick, even faster if you implement a HIIT workout
as part of your skipping.
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