Friday, 8 June 2012

What Are The Best Jump Rope Workouts To Lose Weight Fast?

So you got your new rope or are looking for some of the best workouts possible to get that heart going to burn fat and lose weight fast?  Well, luckily for you I have a compiled a list of 3 of the best jump rope workouts created by myself and the crew that are sure to have begging for mercy.

I must point out that all 4 of these workouts are considered HIIT ( High intensity interval training) which if you are not aware of is the best form of cardio you can get to burn fat and keep your metabolism going throughout the day.  Enjoy!

Try to incorporate one of these routines 4-6 times a week whilst also keeping an eye on your calorie intake. To stay toned and gain small muscle gains integrate a weight training regime 2-3 times a week.  You will find you will lose weight fast and look great in no time!

Jump Rope Workout No. 1

This workout will will focus on getting that heart rate up and keeping it there whilst giving you a 30 second break every minute.  Ideally you want to do this for 12 reps, 1 rep is a 1 minute jumping rope session and 30 second break.  You can do this for longer if you have the energy but you will find this is just right for those looking for a quick 15 minute HIIT workout.  Try to keep  that 1 minute of skipping intense as possible, I suggest skipping at a moderate pace for 30 seconds and the remainder of the 30 seconds going as fast as you can.  It will go something like this:

30 second warm up - (Start of workout only)

1 Rep:

Step 1) 30 Seconds moderate pace
Step 2) 30 Seconds fast pace

30 second break - ( Repeat from step 1 for next rep)

Jump Rope Workout No. 2

OK, this is a variant of a very popular workout known as the sliding scale which is great, but this is better.  It is essentially the same as the sliding scale with the difference being we are working up rather than down.  You will first start with 1 minute jumping rope, then a 30 second break, then on to 2 minutes jumping rope, then 1 minute break etc etc.  You do this for as long as you can, most will barely get to the 10 minute mark, other who are more experienced may go well past 30 minutes.   This will tire you out so make sure you got the reserves to accomplish this! To make it more challenging you can split your jumping rope time between moderate and slow pace just like workout 1 but most will find for this routine a standard pace will suffice in giving you results.

30 second warm up - (start of workout only)

1 minute jump rope
-30 second break
2 minute jump rope
-1 minute break
3 minutes jump rope
-1 1/2 minutes break

(Continue for as long as possible)

Jump Rope Workout No. 3

Our previous 2 workouts were simply timed based workouts, it's entirely up to you what tricks you use to even further elevate your heart rate.  The whole point of HIIT is to elevate your heart rate for a controlled period of time and letting it rest for another, repeating this for a period of time is what gives you the HIIT effect.  For this 3rd workout we will be incorporating running on the spot for half the break time whilst the other half will have us walking on the spot.  You will be wanting to keep the  jump roping itself between 100-120 skips per minute.  This is an intense workout and only the more experienced skippers can accomplish this.  Give it a try and you will see what I mean!

30 second warm up - (start of workout only)
1 minute jump rope 100-120 skips per minute
30 Seconds running on spot, knees high as fast as can
30 Seconds walking on spot
1 Rep (Repeat for 10 - 12 reps) 

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